As Promised

Here are some photos of the finished tablet-woven bands.  There were three in all, and they definitely improved in quality as I progressed.  Unfortunately, the first one was the one meant for my son, so it's full of mistakes and issues, but I just gave it to him yesterday, and he seemed pleased, or was, at least, too polite to say anything else!

Here are the three bands right after I cut them apart:

And after being clamped in the hardware:

I guess I will be listing the remaining two in my Etsy shop at some point.  I really like how they came out, and they feel very sturdy.  I think the next tablet weave will be a pattern of some sort, but I really need to prioritize my weaving time and make a list, so I can get back on track.


  1. Love them.
    I've got a couple hundred of those hardware sets but have only made a few key rings so far....not with pick up though!

  2. Nice job! So is the back the reverse colors -- black text on red background -- or is it mirror image so not readable?

  3. Both! The back is black letters on red, but mirrored, so unreadable.


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